Welcome to the International Church of Metaphysical Humanism
Metaphysics is the study of consciousness, existence, and reality. The International Church of Metaphysical Humanism (ICMH) is a ministerial organization that advocates a healthy human-centered spiritual philosophy which seeks to explore and understand the human condition as well as to empower the human spirit through grounded and rational metaphysical principles. Metaphysical Humanism stresses looking within oneself to create a healthy balance of physical, metaphysical, spiritual, and psychological concepts as a pathway to Self-Completeness (self-actualization).
Although similar in some respects to Secular Humanism, Metaphysical Humanism takes a broader, less narrow approach to understanding reality. Metaphysical Humanism encourages spiritual self-discovery free of the typical constraints of mainstream religion, Determinism, and dogmatic scientism. Because of a human-centered focus, Metaphysical Humanism is of primary interest to individuals who prefer a more objective approach to spirituality including those with atheistic, agnostic, and/or pantheistic outlooks. Indeed, it is one of the healthiest spiritual belief systems on Earth.
Associate membership in the Church is free to all simply by registering. More information about us including our Principles of Belief is available on the left navigation bar. We warmly invite you to join us to add your perspective in our quest to better understand and enhance the human condition.
We welcome open-minded individuals regardless of heritage, gender, or sexual orientation to join us in exploring and empowering the human spirit!
Membership is Free. |
What is Metaphysics and Metaphysical Humanism?
When thinking of metaphysics, many people think of
the occult or the devil, or they may conjure up a mental image of
whacky New Agers on the fringe of reality touting their latest blend
of “snake oil,” or witches and warlocks casting spells as they dance
naked around an open fire. While there will always be those on the
fringe of any human endeavor, metaphysics in general has nothing to do
with the foregoing description.
Metaphysics is actually the scientific study of consciousness,
existence, and reality. It explores and endeavors to answer the "Why?"
question about who we are, where we came from, and how we fit into the
Grand Scheme of things. Anytime a person asks about the nature of how
something works, he or she is delving into the realm of metaphysics.
Metaphysics has been around since the dawn of humanity and covers a
wide field of study including everything from theoretical mathematics
to physics to cosmology to psychic phenomena. Metaphysics is a valid
field of study both in and outside of the scientific community. Many
Metaphysicists or Metaphysicians practice varied forms of metaphysics
such as hypnosis, alternative healing, spiritual counseling,
life-coaching, psychic readings, paranormal research, and many others
that have a compelling basis in reality. Every religion is also
metaphysical in nature; but rather than a religion itself, metaphysics
is more about how we view and seek to understand the Cosmos.
Metaphysical Humanism
Metaphysical Humanism is simply our term for the study of metaphysics
focused on understanding and enhancing the human condition and all
that it encompasses (it is also called Metaphysical Humanistic Science
in our degree program). Unlike the two extremes of typical Secular
Humanism vs. religion in general, it takes a meaningful, practical,
and rational approach to metaphysics devoid of rigid, superstitious,
mythical, and ungrounded beliefs that rely on aberrational faith to
accept. Metaphysical Humanism is about exploring, understanding, and
enhancing the human condition in a variety of ways; it’s about
empowering the human spirit; and it’s about discovering the true
nature of our existence in relation to all that is.
Through our educational programs, we believe in teaching
meaningful metaphysical principles that serve to help people lead more
successful and fulfilling lives, and who, in turn, use these
principles to help others. Perhaps the greatest and most encouraging
common denominator of those interested in metaphysics is
that they have a deep desire to help raise the level of human
consciousness in positive ways. They believe in the premise that if
each person has a positive effect on those within his or her sphere of
influence, the entire world benefits. We applaud all those who would
join us in this growing field of study because with many, we have a
better chance of learning what life is truly all about!