Churchoffers a variety of
educational programs including regular live broadcasts. We continually work to feature a growing variety of topics and
occasional guest speakers that contain many
practical life-skills and relationship-enriching techniques. These will not only improve your life, but will also lift your spirits!
2019 Programs
December 4, 2019
Mindful Expansion - Exploring
the Human Drive to Create
Discussion points include: Belief
System/Knowledgebase , Unknowable, Deliberate Intent, Truth
Mindful Expansion - Is the
Paranormal Real? with Dr. Doug Kelley
Discussion points include: How to view paranormal
events; Don’t Hate ; Think for Yourself; Open-mindedness;
Empowerment; Insight/Wisdom; Belief System/Knowledgebase,
No Program This Week or Next
Week (January 1, 2020). Program returns on January 8, 2020.
2019 Programs
November 6, 2019
Mindful Expansion - The Magic of
Being Personable with Dr. Doug Kelley
Discussion points include: How to be more
personable; Perfection - Deliberate Intent ; Entropy - Indomitable
Power of the Human Spirit; Continuity of Life - Truth; Do no Harm,
Do Right - Belief System, Knowledge Base; Don’t Hate - Belief
System, Knowledge Base; Relationships.
Discussion points include: Truth, Trust/Integrity,
Don't Hate, Greatness to Deliver, Sympathy/Empathy, Indomitable
Power of the Human Spirit, Invoke the Counselor within,
Discussion points include: How to be more
participative in life and relationships; balance/order; deliberate
intent; continuity of life; education; awareness; energy shift/new
Discussion points include: insight/wisdom;
past/present/future; indomitable power of the human spirit; don't
hate; perfection; education; preference/principle;
sympathy/empathy; communication; self-mastery;
inspiration/motivation; think for yourself; and then some...;
expediency; open-mindedness; Energy Shift/New Chapter.
Discussion points include: law of control; power of
belief; Greatness to Deliver; empowerment; communication;
boundaries; groundedness; sacred obligations; self-mastery;
Mindful Expansion - How the Love
of Potential Can Help or Hinder
Discussion points include: Understanding how
potential works in life; Law of Control; boundaries; invoke the
counselor within; sacred obligations; self-mastery; greatness to
deliver; belief system/knowledgebase.
Discussion points include: The power of humor in
our lives; one planet, one race, one ancestry, one destiny; hope;
energy signature; open-mindedness; groundedness;
Mindful Expansion - Cutting the
Cord to Spring Ahead
Discussion points include: concepts for letting go
of unwanted things or behavior; energy signatures; gratitude;
invoke the counselor within; indomitable power of the human
spirit; entropy; gains; Greatness to Deliver.
Discussion points include: how to be more human;
inspiration/motivation; dealing with grief; be who you are/walk
your own path; esteem/validation; think for yourself; invoke the
counselor within; awareness.
Discussion points include: What is truth;
deliberate intent; paradox; Law of Control; balance and order;
hope; belief system/knowledgebase; insight/wisdom.
Discussion points include: energy signatures;
thinking for yourself; power of belief; belief
system/knowledgebase; awareness; pay it forward; positive
consciousness; esteem/validation; don't hate; paradox;
past/present/future; balance/order.
Discussion points include: Metaphysical Humanism's
position on human sexuality; reinvention; awareness; blocks;
positive consciousness; indomitable power of the human spirit;
Greatness to Deliver; meaning/purpose; preference/principle.
Discussion points include: steps to deal with chaos
in personal life and in general; positive consciousness;
boundaries; relationships; and then some...; perfection.
Mindful Expansion - How to Make
2019 Your Best Year So Far
Discussion points include: how to make this year
the best year so far; attitude/disposition; insight/wisdom;
spirit/cosmos/divine energy; one planet, one race, one ancestry,
one destiny; meaning/purpose; unknowable; gratitude; education;
awareness; inspiration/motivation; truth; past/present/future.
Mindful Expansion - The Journey
to Self-Actualization
Discussion points include: the journey to
self-completeness; deliberate intent; insight/wisdom;
past/present/future; sympathy/empathy; one planet, one race, one
ancestry, one destiny; don't hate; energy signatures;
esteem/validation; Greatness to Deliver; reinvention.
Mindful Expansion - How to Find
Stability in Your Life
Discussion points include: how to find stability in
your life; awareness; perfection; be who you are/walk your own
path; and then some...; self-mastery; relationships;
inspiration/motivation; meaning/purpose; groundedness.
Discussion points include: Five-Card Pull: 1)
Meaning/Purpose; 2) Energy Signature; 3) Belief
System/Knowledgebase; 4) Education; 5) Energy Shift/New Chapter;
be who you are/walk your own path; don't hate; positive
consciousness; groundedness; gains; indomitable power of the human
spirit; inspiration/motivation; expediency; balance/order;
empowerment; gratitude.